Wasatch County Trails, Arts, and Parks Tax Advisory Board 

BY RESOLUTION, the Wasatch County Trails, Arts, and Parks (TAP) Tax Advisory Board has accepted Utah Code, Title 9, Chapter 7, Part 5, and Wasatch County Code 2.02.20 as its authority to act. Therefore, the Board will not formulate a constitution but will include in its Bylaws that which is consistent with its responsibilities. Those elements already established by law will not be included in the Wasatch County TAP TAB Bylaws. 

ARTICLE 1 - Priorities

The TAP Board will annually set policies and priorities for their work and how projects will be evaluated. 

ARTICLE 2 - Voting

The seven equal members of the board will have one vote each. The TAP Chair will approve and set agenda items and the County Manager, or their designee, will also share that responsibility. 

Members shall be permitted to designate a proxy as another board member. This is done by notification of the TAP Board at least three days in advance of a meeting. 

ARTICLE 3 - Offices

 The offices shall be Chair, Vice Chair, and member. Positions will be set at the first meeting after November 1 of each year. Appointments are made by nomination and approval of the majority of the board. 

If a mid-term resignation of the Chair takes place, the vice-chair will fill the remainder of the term. If a vacancy occurs for the vice-chair, another member of the board will be nominated and approved. 

The Chair will preside at meetings; confer with the County Manager or their designee for agenda items; oversee policy review; ask members and County Staff to present research information, make presentations, make contacts, prepare documents for review, discussion, modification, approval, and publishing; invite members to present views, make motions, and participate equally; and do whatever other tasks the Board deems it is their responsibility to do. 

The Vice-chair will perform all of the duties of the Chair when the Chair is not able to perform them. 

County Staff will keep the minutes of Board meetings and deliver them to the County Manager or their designee at least one week prior to the next regular Board meeting for distribution. Minutes will be approved, corrected, or modified at the next Board meeting, and given to the County Manager or their designee to be filed in the Board’s permanent files. Members will make corrections on their own copies of the minutes. 

ARTICLE 4 - Removal and Vacancies

 The TAP Board may recommend to the County Manager, by majority vote, to remove any member of the TAP Board for misconduct or neglect of duty. Unexcused absences from two consecutive meetings shall constitute neglect of duty. The TAP Board will follow County procedures for filling vacancies on the TAP Board. 

ARTICLE 5 - Committees

There are no standing committees. Special Committees may be appointed as required and approved by the Board. 

ARTICLE 6 - Meetings 

One monthly meeting is required. Dates and times for these meetings will be established by the Board after consideration and discussion at the annual November meeting. Changes or alterations may be made to these dates with the approval of the Board. Special meetings may be called with majority approval. The agenda and public notice of meetings will be appropriately posted. 

ARTICLE 7 - Quorum

Four voting members will constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present at the meeting to conduct business. Once established, a quorum shall be deemed in effect until the meeting is adjourned. All motions must have at least three positive votes to pass. 

ARTICLE 8 - Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year shall correspond with the fiscal year of the county. 

ARTICLE 9 - Parliamentary Procedure

“Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be the standard for parliamentary procedure. It is desirable that the Board not belabor its meeting with minutia in parliamentary procedure, but with frank and honest discussion it should reach decisions that represent the mind of the majority. 

ARTICLE 10 - Amendments 

Additions, changes, corrections, or other amendments to these bylaws may be made in any monthly meeting by a majority vote, if notice of the proposed amendment has been made and presented to members at a regular Board meeting immediately preceding the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be considered. Changes to bylaws shall not take effect until they are submitted to and approved by the county legislative body. 

ARTICLE 11 - Electronic Meetings

 The TAP Board may operate via electronic or hybrid meetings.

  • Electronic meetings may be used to conduct TAP Board business.
  • A quorum is not necessary to be present at a single anchor location in order to conduct an electronic meeting.
  • A Board member may request an electronic meeting no less than three days prior to the meeting to allow for arrangements to be made for the electronic meeting. 
  • Notice of the electronic meeting will be given to TAP Board members at least 24 hours before the meeting so that they may participate in and be counted as present for all purposes, including the determination that a quorum is present; and a description of how the members will be connected to the electronic meeting. 

ARTICLE 12 - Public Meetings

The TAP Board may, by a majority vote, call for a public meeting in accordance with the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. 

Approved: January 22, 2024

REFERENCE: Wasatch County Code 2.02.20 

Trails, Arts, and Parks Board

Address: 25 North Main Heber City, Utah 84032

Telephone: (435) 657-3180

Fax: (435) 657-0283