Wasatch County Board Assignments 2023

Board Name

Council Assigned

Meeting Schedule


Accident Review

Steve Farrell

As needed

A meeting with Attorney, Sheriff, Public Works, Solid Waste, and Personnel to discuss county-vehicle incidents, handle insurance claims, and employee actions according to policy.

Affordable Housing

Kendall Crittenden

3rd Monday @ 6:00 pm

This agency is a joint action between Wasatch County entities to administer the use of affordable housing funds and issue letters of compliance with the county code for affordable housing requirements.

Animal Control

Luke J. Searle

As needed

Heber City, Midway City, and Wasatch County created an agency to administer animal control services.

Bluebench Landfill

Steve Farrell, Spencer Park, Karl McMillan

As needed

Duchesne and Wasatch Counties created this joint agency to govern the operations of the Blue Bench landfill. Wasatch and Duchesne Counties both use this landfill for solid waste disposal.

Children's Justice Center

Erik K. Rowland

Quarterly 2nd Weds @ 12:00

This board manages the Children's Justice Center.

Community Action

Kendall Crittenden

Quarterly 4th Tuesday

A human services agency that administers the food bank and other related programs in Utah, Summit, and Wasatch Counties. In addition to the food bank, they provide food in local schools and sponsor other programs for community members.

Council of Aging (MAG)

Kendall Crittenden

3rd Thursday @ 2:00 pm

This board provides input on aging issues administered by the Mountainland Association of Governments, including funding for programs like Meals on Wheels and more.

County Tax Committee

Mark Nelson, Steve Farrell, Jeff Wade

2nd Monday @ 8:00 am (Feb-May)

This council subcommittee provides oversight and input on the annual tax roll and potential tax sale of parcels for unpaid overdue taxes.

Economic Develop. and Tourism

Mark Nelson, Erik K. Rowland

2nd Monday @ 3:30 pm

This entity administers county-wide economic development, provides staff support for the Chamber of Commerce, and manages the Tax Advisory Board for using Restaurant and Transient Room Taxes. The board consists of Wasatch County, Heber City, and Midway City representatives.

Gun Club

Spencer Park

As needed

This board meets with stakeholders, including the Sheirff's Office and the State Division of Wildlife Resources, to work through issues related to the gun club located south of Daniel.

Health Board

Kendall Crittenden

4th Thursday @ 4:00 pm

According to the state code, this governing board of the County Health Department oversees the Health Director and internal operations of the Health Department.

Heber Light and Power

Kendall Crittenden

4th Wednesday @ 4:00 pm

This governing board has Heber City, Midway City, and Wasatch County representatives to provide oversight and policy direction for Heber Light and Power.

Heber Valley SSD (sewer)

Steve Farrell

3rd Tuesday @ 6:00 pm

This governing board has representatives from Heber City, Midway City, and Wasatch County to provide oversight and policy direction for Sewer Services in Heber Valley.

High Valley Transit Board

Mark Nelson, Luke J. Searle (alt)


Wasatch County currently has an ex-officio seat on the High Valley Transit board due to the county's contract with HVT for transit services.

High Valley Technical Committee

Kendall Crittenden, Spencer Park, Erik K. Rowland

As needed

This committee provides input on subject matter-specific issues relating to transit service in Wasatch County.

Latino Coalition

Erik K. Rowland


A local group that works with high school and middle schools to provide support to local Latino students and their families

Legislative Coordination

Luke J. Searle, Kendall Crittenden

During Session 1/28-3/14

This committee oversees and coordinates state-level legislative issues, including voting on the Utah Association of Counties positions on state bills.


Erik K. Rowland


The Local Emergency Planning Council coordinates cross-jurisdictional preparation and response to emergencies, including vehicle accidents and other incidents, and has input from Wasatch County Manager, Public Works, Clerks Office, and Sheriff, as well as representatives from Heber City, Wasatch County Fire District, and other private partners.

Library Board

Luke J. Searle

Last Wednesday @ 3:00 pm

This advisory board provides policy recommendations to the County Council on Library issues.

Memorial Hill

Mark Nelson

As needed

This advisory board provides input and oversight on issues dealing with Memorial Hill in conjunction with Public Works and the Parks and Recreation SSD.

MIDA Board

Steve Farrell

As needed

Wasatch County currently has a seat on the Military Installation Development Authority (MIDA), a state authority, and serves as a member governing the operation of that authority.

Mountainlands (MAG)

Kendall Crittenden, Luke J. Searle, Karl McMillan

Quarterly 4th Thursday

Wasatch County is a member of the Mountainlands Association of Governments, a council of governments under state code that coordinates regional issues with a strong emphasis on transportation and infrastructure projects.

Open Lands Board

Steve Farrell, Karl McMillan, Erik K. Rowland (alt)

4th Monday @ 6:00 pm

Wasatch County created this advisory board to provide input and facilitate the use of open space bond funds for preserving open space in Wasatch County.

Peace House

Luke J. Searle

As needed

A domestic abuse shelter with the following mission statement: Peace House is dedicated to ending interpersonal violence and abuse and empowering survivors to heal and thrive by providing support services, safe housing, and prevention education.


Kendall Crittenden

As needed

This committee is required under state code to handle specific personnel issues related to appeals to employment actions.

Public Lands

Spencer Park, Steve Farrell, Karl McMillan

1st Wednesday @ 8:00 am

This council subcommittee provides input and coordination with all public lands partners, including state parks, DWR, national forest, and municipal partners.


Steve Farrell

3rd Tuesday @ 2:00 pm

Wasatch County currently has a seat on the governing board of the Heber Valley Railroad, a state authority.

Regional Planning Committee

Steve Farrell, Kendall Crittenden, Luke J. Searle

3rd Tuesday @ 9:00 am

This inter-jurisdictional committee coordinates on regional planning issues to provide a uniform approach to matters affecting Wasatch County entities.

Senior Citizens Advisory Board

Kendall Crittenden

3rd Thursday @ 4:30 pm

Wasatch County created this advisory board to provide input and make recommendations on the operations of the Senior Center.

Soldier Summit SSD

Spencer Park

2nd Wednesday @ 10:00 am

Utah County created this special service district and seated a Wasatch County Council member to oversee the infrastructure at Soldier Summit, primarily water infrastructure.

SSA#1 (Water) Advisory Board

Steve Farrell, Spencer Park, Karl McMillan

1st Tuesday @ 8:00 am

The Water Board is responsible for coordinating the use and requirements of the Wasatch County code for water dedication and infrastructure requirements for developments within the county.

Timber Lakes Water SSD

Steve Farrell

3rd Tuesday @ 7:00 pm

This special service district board serves to provide oversight of the water infrastructure of Timber Lakes.

UAC Board of Directors

Kendall Crittenden

Quarterly, 1-year term

Wasatch County is entitled to a seat on the Utah Association of Counties Board of Directors governing the administration of that entity.

UDOT Committee

Spencer Park, Erik K. Rowland, Kendall Crittenden

As needed

This council subcommittee provides input and coordination with UDOT on projects affecting Wasatch County.

Uintah Headwaters

Dallin Koecher

As needed

This non-profit is officially called the Uintah Headwaters Resource Conservation and Development Council. The director of Heber Valley Tourism and Economic Development is Wasatch County's representative. It reviews natural resources and community development issues in Summit, Wasatch, and Utah counties.

Wasatch Back RPO

Kendall Crittenden


This Regional Planning Organization (RPO) provides a regional voice for infrastructure projects affecting the Wasatch Back, including Wasatch and Summit Counties.

Weed Board

Steve Farrell

2nd Wednesday @ 1:00 pm

This board provides oversight of the administration of the Weed functions that fall under the Public Works Department.

Special Service Districts: Council Serves as Board

Board Name

Council Assigned

Meeting Schedule


Wasatch County Fire District

Chair: Steve Farrell, Vice-Chair: Spencer Park

2nd Tuesday @ 3:30 pm

This special service district provides fire and EMS service for all of Wasatch County.

Parks and Rec SSD (SSA #21)

Chair: Kendall Crittenden, Vice-Chair: Karl McMillan

2nd Tuesday @ 3:00 pm

This special service district provides for regional recreation in Wasatch County, including operating regional parks, the recreation center, and Wasatch County Event Complex.

Wasatch County Solid Waste SSD

Chair: Kendall Crittenden, Vice-Chair: Karl McMillan

2nd Tuesday @ 3:00 pm

This special service district provides solid waste services in all of Wasatch County.

Jordanelle SSD

Chair: Mark Nelson, Vice-Chair: Luke J. Searle

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This special service district provides water and wastewater infrastructure needs of portions of the county. It also offers overarching administration and operations for subsidiary SSDs with limited regional services.

North Village SSD

Chair: Steve Farrell, Vice-Chair: Erik J. Rowland

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This special service district is part of the JSSD umbrella but has an administrative control board of five Wasatch County Council members and two Heber City Council members.

North Village Control Board

Kendall Crittenden, Luke J. Searle, Spencer Park. Heber City Council Members: Rachel Kahler, Ryan Stack

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This administrative control board provides operational oversight for the NVSSD, primarily serving parts of Heber City.

Twin Creeks SSD

Chair: Karl McMillan, Vice Chair: Mark Nelson

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This special service district services portions of the east part of the Heber Valley.

Strawberry Lakeview SSD

Chair: Karl McMillan, Vice Chair: Mark Nelson

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This special service district provides services for properties near Strawberry Reservoir.

Strawberry Ranch SSD

Chair: Karl McMillan, Vice Chair: Spencer Park

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This special service district provides services for properties near Strawberry Reservoir.

Owls Nest SSD

Chair: Spencer Park, Vice-Chair: Kendall Crittenden

2nd Tuesday @ 4:00 pm

This special service district services a small portion of the west part of Wasatch County.

SSA#1 (Water Board)

Chair: Steve Farrell, Vice-Chair: Spencer Park

As needed

This entity is the Water Board and delegates many of its duties to an advisory board to set water requirements for development in Wasatch County and address infrastructure service.

SSD#9 (Mineral Lease)

Chair: Spencer Park

As needed

This entity oversees the use of mineral lease funds allocated from the state.

Ernie Giles SSD

Chair: Spencer Park, Vice-Chair: Karl McMillan

As needed

This special service district services several homes west of Heber City.

Constitutional Takings and Review Committee

Chair: Kendall Crittenden, Vice-Chair: County Council

As needed

This committee is required under state code to review any property takings or exactions.

County Council

Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon-Fri

Address: 25 North Main Heber City, Utah 84032

Telephone: (435) 657-3180

Fax: (435) 657-0283

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