Voter Registration Information

Voter Registration is open to all Wasatch County residents who are:

  • Citizens of the United States
  • Residents of Utah for at least 30 days before Election Day
  • At least 18 years old on the day of the election
  • Residing at the address where they are registering

Tools to check registration status and register to vote -

  • Check registration status and party affiliation
  • View sample ballots
  • Find information on elected officials
  • Track the status of a ballot
  • Locate Voting Assistance Centers

Online Voter Registration -

  • Register to vote (requires a valid Utah Driver License)
  • Update voter registration information or party affiliation
  • Mark a ballot preference for partisan primary elections

Mail-in or in person

Wasatch County District and Voting Precincts Maps

Wasatch County Current District and Voting Precincts Maps

Wasatch County Council and Wasatch County School District Representation Districts: (County Council Seats A & B are At-Large seats)

Wasatch County Voting Precincts:
(Use the precinct maps to identify your voting precinct. Seats A & B are County-Wide At-Large seats)

2022 Precinct Maps - pdf (all maps in one pdf)

Seat CSeat DSeat ESeat FSeat G
Precinct 100Precinct 200Precinct 300Precinct 400Precinct 500
Precinct 101Precinct 201Precinct 301Precinct 410Precinct 501
Precinct 102Precinct 202Precinct 302Precinct 411Precinct 502
Precinct 103Precinct 203Precinct 303Precinct 412Precinct 503
Precinct 104Precinct 204Precinct 304Precinct 413Precinct 504
Precinct 105Precinct 205Precinct 305Precinct 414Precinct 520
Precinct 106Precinct 206Precinct 306Precinct 415Precinct 530
Precinct 120Precinct 207Precinct 307Precinct 416Precinct 540
Precinct 121Precinct 208Precinct 320Precinct 417Precinct 550
  Precinct 330 Precinct 560
  Precinct 331 Precinct 561
  Precinct 340 Precinct 562
  Precinct 350 Precinct 563

An image for the County-wide voting precinct map.This map shows all county voting precincts county-wide.

County-Wide Voter Precinct Map - Updated 2022

Online Interactive Map

2022 Redistricting

2022 was a Redistricting and Reprecincting Year. Changes were made that affected you as a Voter.

Every 10 years, County and State governments must redistrict the elected offices representing geographically distinct regions of the County or State. The State of Utah redistricted the State Board of Education, State House of Representatives, State Senate, and Federal House of Representative districts late in 2021. The results of these State changes are the following:

Federal & State Redistricting

State Board of Education:

State House of Representatives:

State Senate:

Federal House of Representatives:

Local County Redistricting

Upon the conclusion of State-level redistricting, Wasatch County commenced the redistricting of the County Council and Wasatch County School District School Board Districts. Both the Council and School Board share the same geographic districts. 

Wasatch County Council and Wasatch County School District Representation Districts: (County Council Seats A & B are At-Large seats)

After County redistricting was completed, the County began the reprecincting process to adjust all voting precincts. All voting precincts in the County have been adjusted to serve the community for the next 10 years. Also, all precincts have received new precinct numbers to tie the precinct to its Council/School Board district.

2021 Redistricting Proposals

Clerk-Auditor Office Information

Office Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday

Address: 25 North Main, Heber City, Utah 84032

Telephone: (435) 657-3190

Fax: (435) 654-0834

Picture of Joey D. Granger, County Clerk-Auditor

Joey D. Granger

Clerk-Auditor - Term: 2023-2026