Zoning Information

Every parcel of land or subdivision lot in Wasatch County is within a zoning district. The Wasatch County Zoning Map identifies what each property is zoned. Each zoning district determines which sections of the Wasatch County Code apply and establishes the land use rights for the property.

Zone, Land Use, and Development Code

Title 16
Complete Title 16 Online
Preservation (P-160)
To establish areas where development may be limited due to the remoteness of services, topography, and other sensitive environmental issues.
Agricultural (A-20)
Established to provide areas in which agricultural pursuits can be encouraged and supported
Residential - Agricultural (RA-5)
To maintain the rural atmosphere and high quality of life by establishing a residential area that is mixed with agricultural uses.
Residential - Agricultural (RA-1)
Allows residential development near the incorporated areas, while maintaining the rural atmosphere.
Mountain (M)
For development in mountainous areas of the County that may or may not have services readily available. Development should be in harmony with mountain settings and adverse impacts shall be mitigated.
Commercial (C)
To recognize and provide areas for the accommodation of commercial uses.
Highway Services (HS)
To allow limited commercial services for travelers along highways in remote areas.
Office and Business Park (OBP)
To establish areas that allow for the development of office complexes, research facilities, businesses, assembly areas, and applicable accessory uses.
Industrial (I)
To provide an area for the processing, assembling, manufacturing, warehousing, and storage of materials products and goods.
Public Facilities (PF)
To provide areas for the placement of public facilities that are compatible with the adjoining uses and surroundings.
Jordanelle Basin Overlay Zone (JBOZ)
The Jordanelle Basin overlay zone (JBOZ) is to implement the goals and standards established by the previously adopted Jordanelle Basin land use plan and map.
North Village Overlay Zone (NVOZ)
The North Village overlay district ordinance (NVOD) provides the guidance and minimum regulations for the future development of the North Village in Wasatch County.
Geologic Hazards Overlay Zone (GHOZ)
The purpose of the geologic hazards overlay zone (GHOZ) is to provide standards, guidelines and criteria, having the effect of minimizing geologic hazards and manmade hazards, and to protect people and property while protecting the natural scenic character of the sensitive land areas not suitable for development, or suitable for development only after mitigation of hazards and ensuring the efficient expenditure of public funds.
Transitional Residential Overlay Zone (TROZ)
The transitional residential overlay zone (TROZ) is established to allow planned performance developments within the proposed annexation boundaries of the municipalities in Wasatch County. All development in the transitional residential overlay zone (TROZ) shall be connected to a publicly owned water and sewer system.
Airport Overlay Zone (AOZ)
The purpose of establishing the airport overlay zone (AOZ) is to establish regulations for any future airport development that may be constructed in the county, and to see that said development is constructed in locations that will harmonize with the surrounding area with respect to topography siting, noise and hazards. The airport overlay zone (AOZ) is to ensure safety in the operation of the airport.
Strawberry Recreation Zone (SRZ)
The Strawberry recreation zone (SRZ) is established for the Strawberry planning area. Development should be in harmony with mountain settings, general plan recommendations and all other code requirements, and adverse impacts shall be mitigated.

Zoning Enforcement

Zoning enforcement works with citizens to resolve issues that impact Wasatch County’s quality of life, including complaints concerning violations of zoning ordinances. Zoning enforcement operates complaint-driven, meaning we must partner with neighbors and other concerned groups to resolve code violations. Our goal is to help neighbors resolve problems while dealing with these violations. If you have a zoning violation complaint, fill out the form below and email it to planning@wasatch.utah.gov.

Complaint Form

Planning Dept

Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Mon-Fri

Address: 35 S 500 E Heber City, Utah 84032

Telephone: (435) 657-3205